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Experience renewed Men's Vitality through our holistic approach 


Studies have shown that men are more likely to ignore health issues and will often put off check-ups to the doctor. Their actions often resulted in late diagnosis of underlying health conditions which usually can be detected early. Our personalised Men’s Health Screen package is targeted specifically at men of all ages. You can be sure that there's definitely one that will suit your needs. We provide a wide range of medical tests to not only detect but most importantly, to prevent common diseases found in males particularly related to lifestyle and ageing. Be in control of your health with this comprehensive screen developed for gentlemen.

Personalised Men's Health Screening

Regardless of whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s and beyond, at Everhealth, we're constantly pushing ourselves to our limits to provide you with the best quality care that we can. Apart from the major health risks that men face – like colon cancer or heart disease, the following list are some of the conditions can be prevented and treated with early diagnosis. 

Specific Men’s Health Concerns:


  • Loss of libido / sexual interest

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Premature ejaculation

  • Andropause or Testosterone deficiency –
    various forms of testosterone replacement are available

Tired lethargy

General Men’s Health Concerns:


  • Hair loss – alopecia androgenetica 

  • Weight management

  • Acne and other skin concerns

  • Depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions

  • HPV/genital warts, Pneumococcal )

Similar to ladies, there will be some changes to the male physiology that comes along with age. We'd like to emphasize that although these changes are inevitable, you do have the option to understand these changes and how you can manage them better. Below are some of the conditions that associates with ageing in males.


Refers to the hormonal changes that men experience later in life. Men experience these symptoms as their testosterone production levels decrease with age. After the age of 40, testosterone levels start to decline and the symptoms associated with andropause begin to manifest.

Decrease in fertility

As men age, the quality and quantity of their sperm can decrease. Their testosterone levels can also decline and their testicular tissue can deteriorate. Although the ejaculation fluid amount usually remains the same, the quality of it is poor as there are fewer living sperm in it. Do note that fertility rate is very much subjective as there maybe other varying factors.

Decrease in the sex drive (libido)

Some men may experience slower and less intense sexual responses. This may probably indicate low testosterone levels, but there may be other varying factors such as the lack of a willing partner, chronic conditions, or medications.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get and maintain an erection firm enough for sex. If erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems. It can also be a sign of an underlying health condition that needs treatment and a risk factor for heart disease.

Premature ejaculation (PE)

Premature ejaculation occurs in men when semen ejaculate sooner than wanted during sex. PE can be frustrating and embarrassing. You may feel you don’t have enough time to enjoy sex. You may have difficulty satisfying your partner. For some men, embarrassment about premature ejaculation can cause problems with intimacy and damage the relationship with their partner. 

Low testosterone

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone that men have. Having low levels of  testosterone can cause a drop in sex drive, poor erections, low sperm count and enlarged breasts. Over time, it may also cause a man to lose body hair, muscle mass, and strength.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)

Is a condition whereby the prostates are enlarge and may eventually interfere with urination. The enlarged prostate partially blocks the tube that drains the urinary bladder. Changes in the prostate gland make elderly men more likely to have urinary tract infections. Backup of urine into the kidneys may develop if the bladder is not fully drained. If this is not treated, it can eventually lead to kidney failure.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer becomes more common as men age. It is one of the most frequent causes of cancer death in men. Blood test screening for prostate cancer marker is available in both our clinics.

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